Timeshare Law

Timeshare Cancellation – How to Legally Get Out of a Timeshare Contract

Timeshare Cancellation is a process of legally getting out of a timeshare contract. It requires a lawyer to help with the process. Timeshare companies are notorious for bait and switch tactics that can make this difficult. The law firms that specialize in this area understand the tricks that they use, and can get around them

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The Timeshare Industry

The timeshare industry, as you might guess from its name, is an industry that provides vacationers with a time-shared interest in a resort property. Unlike owning a true second home, which requires ongoing maintenance, a timeshare involves a one-time purchase and a lifetime commitment to pay annual maintenance fees and special assessments. The market is

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Timeshare Cancellation – 3 Steps to Timeshare Cancellation

If you are looking to cancel a timeshare, there are several steps that you need to take. These steps include determining the state’s rescission period, writing a cancellation letter, and delivering your notice in a way that meets your state’s laws. Choosing Your State’s Recesssion Period A majority of states have timeshare rescission periods that

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Timeshare Relief – How to Get Timeshare Relief Without Paying a Fee

Timeshare relief is an important issue for anyone who wants to escape the headaches associated with owning a timeshare property. With many consumers struggling to keep up with their maintenance fees and other obligations, timeshares can become a financial burden. However, it is possible to find a solution to the problem that will make the

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