Timeshare Cancellation Services
Consumer Defend and Recover Timeshare Relief Program.
We are a licensed consumer defense firm who has helped thousands of timeshare owners released from deceptive, fraudulent, unenforceable, unwanted, or illegally financed timeshare contracts. There are 5 million timeshare owners worldwide. There are tens of thousands of timeshare owners who feel stuck in unwanted timeshare contracts. Almost all timeshare memberships have lifelong maintenance fee’s which most people find to only bring financial burden. These fee’s not only come every year or every other year they also increase 2%-8% at the discretion of the timeshare management firm. As time passes and yearly maintenance fee’s are billed and paid there is no predetermined amount of money a timeshare owner has to pay each year. This is equivalent to writing the timeshare company a blank check each year.
Life Long Maintenance Fee’s Terminated.
Maintenance fee’s have become one of the most dreaded bills a timeshare owner has. It seems bad enough after the timeshare mortgage is paid off another bill continues to arrive consistently. A majority of our clients find they have limited to no usage of their timeshare and have requested the timeshare company to offer some settlement to let them out of the contract. Almost every request is denied and the continuation of increased maintenance fee’s go on.
With all the timeshare contracts put together we have determined they are almost identical, as is the story of the defrauded timeshare owner. The pressure during the initial sale is the worst they have ever experienced. Months to years later the timeshare owners uncovers the multitude of lies they were told by the timeshare salesperson. They are told their timeshare increases in value, the fee’s stay the same, they are told to sell their timeshare if they don’t want it. However, the timeshare developer over sold the units and the supply and demand completely out weigh each other flooding the market. This abundance of unwanted timeshares for sale created the under $1 timeshare to the free giveaways.
Not All Programs Are The Same.
From the organization of our company the demand for our service has increased dramatically. Not only has the desire to get out a timeshare only increased but having a timeshare relief program that works is the main factor. Unlike all other timeshare cancellation companies we not only focus on the contract, the debt, but also the credit of our clients. In fact, if a company is assisting a timeshare owner to cancel their timeshare but not handling the client credit reports, and the actual mortgage then they are not delivering he results most want. There is not consistent way to terminate a timeshare contract and the debt without using credit laws, debt collection laws, and commercial code contract breach’s.
We have determined three main questions to begin the relationship and service with our company.
Our 3 Pre-Qualifiers:
- Are you done with your timeshare? You are not booking any reservations, you don’t want to deal with them, pay them, and just want out?
- Since you have made the decision do be completely done with them for whatever reason. Do you want to cancel your timeshare on your own or do you want help?
- Finally, is saving money important to you? When do you want to start saving?
These questions provide a solid platform to apply for our service. We are able to cancel the timeshare contract, end timeshare maintenance fees, settle the timeshare debt, remove the accounts from consumer credit reports, and prevent any future debt collections. This is a complete timeshare relief program where all areas of the timeshare are disputed, negotiated, settled, deleted, or closed permanently.
Starting The Program.
Unfortunately, we do not accept every timeshare owner who contacts us. There are guidelines to our program and each criteria must be met. There are many timeshare owners who have valid accounts, and have dug themselves into a situation that not many people will be able to get you out of unless with our paying the entire balance off. Do not let anyone tell you to just stop paying for your timeshare unless you know the risk involved.
Our team of experience professionals will explain out process and the risks involved when cancelling a timeshare. We reduce or eliminate the stress invoiced in cancelling a timeshare not only by having fast results, but with an online client portal for constant tracking and status checks. Each client can direct message our team 24/7 through their own portal. Credit monitoring through our partner with a money manager has each client’s credit managed, and defended against any attacks the timeshare company may have done or may try to do.
Our timeshare relief process is built and successful using technical dispute strategy. Its safe to say we win on technicalities where deceptive timeshare companies and their affiliates are weak in. Depending on the case nine to fourteen months is the average duration to a successful timeshare release. We are dedicated to delivering them as fast as possible. Contact us so we can have a better understanding of your situation and to see if you qualify for our program. Timeshare Cancellation Services.
Contact us today for free information on how we can help you become Timeshare Free.
Licensed Timeshare Cancellation Services include:
- Timeshare Contract Cancellation.
- Credit Protection and Monitoring.
- Online Client Portal.
- Maintenance Fee Removal.
- Network of Attorneys.
- Dedicated Account Manager.
- Money Back Guarauntee.
- No Money Down Financing.
- Stop Timeshare Foreclosure.
- Debt Collections Defense.