How to Write a Letter of Timeshare Cancellation

If you are a timeshare owner, chances are you have come to realize that your timeshare isn’t as good as you originally thought it would be. After a few years of paying high maintenance fees, strict schedules and rigid rules, it’s hard to find the motivation to keep up with the payments or keep your vacations on track.

Fortunately, there are options to get out of your timeshare that will help you save money, stop the stress and free you from all of these responsibilities. However, these solutions are often complicated and require time. This is why it’s so important to act as quickly as possible when you feel like timeshare cancellation may be right for you.

First, it’s critical to determine if you are within the rescission period. Many states have laws that require timeshare buyers to get a certain amount of time, usually between three and 15 days, to rescind the purchase.

State laws also typically require that you send a written notice of the rescission to the seller. This is the best way to ensure that your timeshare cancellation rights are upheld, and you’ll be able to recover your full deposit without having to pay any additional fees or penalties.

You should also send your letter by certified mail to ensure that it reaches the correct address. Make sure to mention the specific date and time that you are sending your letter.

When you send your letter, it’s crucial to use a professional, well-written and clear message that clearly conveys your intention to cancel the contract. Include all of the important details in your letter, including the date, the name of the resort and the property and a reference to the language in your sales contract that states you have the right to cancel the agreement.

Once you’ve sent your letter, it’s time to start preparing your legal documents. Contact an attorney to review your timeshare agreement, and ask about the different methods of getting out of a timeshare.

Then, work with a reputable timeshare exit company that will take on the timeshare developer or resort and negotiate your cancellation on your behalf. Look for an ARDA-approved exit company or a member of the Coalition for Safer Exit Solutions.

If you are looking for an exit company to handle your timeshare cancellation, it is a good idea to research them online and make sure they have a reputation for professionalism and service. The Better Business Bureau’s rating and customer testimonials are helpful indicators of a company’s reputation. You can also research the cost of their services to determine if they offer flat rates or individualized packages that fit your budget and needs.

It is also a good idea to consider whether the company you choose will have an ardent commitment to your needs. If they are not, they may be trying to sell you more points or upgrade your timeshare in order to extract money from you. Ultimately, these companies are merely trying to maximize their profits and don’t really care about your personal interests and your satisfaction with the decision you made to buy the timeshare.

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